Bowl of salad

Embracing Intuitive Eating: A Journey to Food Freedom

In a world dominated by diet culture, calorie counting, and restrictive eating plans, the concept of intuitive eating has emerged as a beacon of light for those seeking a healthier and more sustainable relationship with food. My personal journey towards intuitive eating has been transformative, challenging societal norms and embracing a mindset that prioritises well-being over external expectations.

Bowl of salad

The Dieting Rollercoaster:

Like many, I found myself caught in the endless cycle of diets, each promising a quick fix to achieve the elusive “perfect” body. Countless hours were spent meticulously tracking calories, weighing portions, and adhering to rigid meal plans. Despite the initial sense of control, these diets only led to feelings of guilt, deprivation, and a distorted relationship with food.

Roller coaster melbourne

The Turning Point:

The turning point in my journey came when I stumbled upon the concept of intuitive eating. It challenged the traditional dieting mentality and advocated for a more mindful, holistic approach to nourishment. Intuitive eating is not a one-size-fits-all solution but rather a philosophy centred on listening to your body, honouring hunger and fullness cues, and rejecting the diet mentality.

Exploring the Principles:

  1. Rejecting the Diet Mentality: I began by letting go of the diet mindset that had dictated my relationship with food for years. This involved recognizing and challenging the diet culture messages that perpetuate unrealistic body standards.
  2. Honouring Hunger and Fullness: Intuitive eating encourages tuning into your body’s signals. I started paying attention to physical hunger cues and eating when my body signalled it needed nourishment. Similarly, I learned to recognize when I was comfortably full, avoiding overeating or restrictive tendencies.
  3. Making Peace with Food: No food was off-limits. Instead of labelling foods as “good” or “bad,” I embraced a balanced and non-judgmental approach to eating. This meant allowing myself to enjoy a variety of foods without guilt or shame.
  4. Discovering Satisfaction: Intuitive eating emphasizes the importance of savouring and enjoying food. I explored different flavours, textures, and cuisines, learning to appreciate the pleasure that comes from a satisfying meal.
  5. Coping with Emotions without Using Food: Rather than turning to food as a primary coping mechanism, I discovered alternative ways to manage stress, boredom, or emotions. This involved finding healthy outlets like exercise, journaling, or spending time in nature.

The Benefits of Intuitive Eating:

As I immersed myself in the principles of intuitive eating, I experienced a profound shift in my overall well-being. The freedom from food restrictions allowed me to reconnect with my body, fostering a positive self-image and improved mental health. Additionally, I noticed increased energy levels, better digestion, and a more balanced approach to physical activity.


My journey to intuitive eating has been a liberating experience, redefining my relationship with food and self-image. Embracing this approach has not only transformed my eating habits but has also empowered me to prioritize my health and well-being over societal expectations. If you’re tired of the dieting rollercoaster, consider exploring intuitive eating as a sustainable and compassionate way to nourish both your body and soul.